by Andrea Rose

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Brendan Brazier

Same gab new post...

In other news, I decided my body couldn't take any more junk food, I think I might have said that awhile back, but this time I mean it. So I am doing a kind of cleanse right now, nothing too hard core, but it is definitely helping. I cut out dairy and interestingly stopped having my daily stomach pains which had just become a regular part of life for me. I have started drinking a lot more water with lemon in it, I think very beneficial. And this drink called Vega, a complete meal with all the nutrients and green foods a person needs in one day, which I never came close to getting. No, it is not Ensure. It is not a weight loss drink. In fact I will give you the link to the guy's site who created this product, Brendan Brazier. He is a vegan who is also a professional triathlete. I have his book called "Thrive Diet" and in a short time have learned so much about the acidity and alkaline balance that is so important in our bodies. With the kinds of food I used to eat, I was like a walking acid pool. I know it is going to take months to make my Ph more alkaline but it will improve my overall health. I am really excited to feel better and sleep better, and maybe even have something else helping my depression besides prescription drugs. Let's see! http://www.brendanbrazier.com/

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